Setting Custom RPCs
A Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Node is how Railway Wallet fetches and updates blockchain data. You may want to set a custom RPC node from time to time.
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A Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Node is how Railway Wallet fetches and updates blockchain data. You may want to set a custom RPC node from time to time.
Last updated
NOTE: Railway Wallet contributors do not maintain or recommend any specific RPC nodes. All RPC nodes are maintained by independent third parties with no connection to Railway Wallet.
Click "Settings" then click “Network & RPCs”
Click the network you wish to add a custom RPC to. In this case, it's Ethereum.
Click "Set custom provider"
Find an RPC provider that matches your privacy and latency requirements. Choice of RPC provider is entirely up to the user and no one can recommend specific RPCs to you. A good place to start is an independent list of RPCs like Chainlist
Once you've selected an RPC, copy and paste the URL into the custom RPC URL box and click "Submit"
Your custom RPC is now toggled on by default.
To toggle on default RPCs as a backup, click the "Status" button. You can also add additional custom RPCs by clicking "Add custom provider" again.